Coding Journal

My journey to become a Full Stack Developer

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Hello World!

June 16, 2019, 9:44 a.m.

print("Hello World")


I'm so excited that I managed to deploy this blog app on Heroku, that although I haven't prepared any meaningful content yet, I decided to tell everybody about my new blog!

This blog is my first live application written in Django. The code is not finished. I'm going to add new features and write about it. So Python and Django will be the main topics of this website.

By no means I'm an expert. I'm still learning and as the title says it's my coding journal. I'm going to write about things I'm working on, about things I've just learnt or want to try. If you think that my solutions aren't good, don't hesitate to let me know. If you like my posts, don't hesitate to let me know, too.

I've been a part of #100DaysOfCode movement since April 2018. It helps me to be on track and code daily despite my professional work and my family duties. Main rules of this challenge are to write code minimum an hour everyday for 100 days and tweet progress with #100DaysOfCode hashtag. Learn more on #100DaysOfCode Official Website.

Currently I'm taking the 4th round of 100 Days Of Code and this time I'm taking notes everyday and push them on Github and tweet and chat with other developers.

PS. I'm publishing this post once again after I lost my posts because of migrations problems.

Tagged in : notes

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Avid learner, Python / Django and CSS Art ethusiast.

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