Coding Journal

My journey to become a Full Stack Developer

About me

My name's Magdalena Rosłaniec but I like my internet nickname: makneta. I'm a teacher, mother and self-taught developer who wants to change her career into programming.

You can contact me by direct message on Linkedin or we can chat on Twitter.

spring lake

I live in a medium-sized town in north-east Poland. I love my small fatherland, a peaceful place, full of lakes and forests. I enjoy running, nordic walking and riding a bike or rollerblading in my free time.

spring lake

About my coding journey

I started my adventure with programming in September 2017 and since then I've been learning to CODE almost every single day.

My contribution in the last year

maknetaRo's Github chart
Chart thanks to Github Chart Api

I've been working on my own projects in Python, Django, HTML, Pug, CSS and SCSS, JavaScript, Angular, Vue, React and Hugo (Static Site Generator). I also did basic courses on SQL and C++. Ubuntu is the operating system I'm using.

I like experimenting that's why I've been trying different things. But most of them have been connected to visual part of the web development.

My aim is to become a Frontend Developer. At the moment I'm focused mainly on React. I prefer React hooks and styled components in my apps.

When I have free time I do some CSS drawings.

See the Pen Powergirl - Bubbles CSS Drawing by makneta (@Magda_) on CodePen.

About #100DaysOfCode challenge

For those years I completed 8 rounds of #100DaysOfCode challenge. And even if I'm not committed to the challenge at the moment, I code and teach myself something new every day. I'm a driven by those words:

“Don't wish it was easier wish you were better. Don't wish for less problems wish for more skills. Don't wish for less challenge wish for more wisdom” Jin Rohn

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About Online Communities

I'm pretty active on Twitter, where you can reach me if you have any questions or want to chat.

Thanks to Twitter I met great people and now I'm helping to create an application for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and similar problems.

This is our landing page built in React: The application is being built in Django REST and React (I'm team React).

We've just started building our Twitter Profile and I'm a maintainer there, too. If you'd like to see how our application has been built or you're interested in Autism topic, please follow us.

About this blog

The blog is my first live application written in Django. I add some new features from time to time.

By no means I'm an expert. I'm still learning and as the title says it's my coding journal. I'm going to write about things I'm working on, about things I've just learnt or want to try. If you think that my solutions aren't good, don't hesitate to let me know. If you like my posts, don't hesitate to let me know, too.