Coding Journal

My journey to become a Full Stack Developer

How to take part in 100 Days Of Code challenge when you're a newbie?

How to take part in 100 Days Of Code challenge when you're a newbie?

April 22, 2021, 10:14 p.m.

Last time I was writing about finding the time to code regularly. Now I want to write how 100 Days Of Code can help in that. 

What is the 100 Days Of Code challenge?

The challenge has 2 main rules: 
1. code minimum 1 hour for 100 days in a row
2. tweet about your progress with hashtag #100daysofcode

When I started my first round there were some additional rules, so it quickly helped me to avoid the "tutorial hell" and make some friends on Twitter.

Those additional rules were (at least I remember them like that):
1. it counts when you work on side projects more than when you only watching tutorials,
2. interact with at least 2 people daily on Twitter who take part in this challenge. 

If you code every day and tweet about your progress, don't forget to comment or at least like other people's tweets about the same challenge.
It is easier to stick to it when you feel a sense of community and you're amongst people with similar interests.

So this challenge is not only for code newbies. It is also for people who want to learn a new framework or programming language outside their work. But as I can see, it is the most popular among people who want to go into the programming world.

You can read more on the official website:

But if you are a newbie, you can ask yourself "How can I do projects if I don't know how to code?". 

We don't have to build a website or an application from day one. The project can be to learn to create simple websites in HTML and CSS or to learn Python and we CAN use tutorials for this. But the best way to learn anything is to solve problems. And we should use tutorials where we have to solve problems with minimal help only. 

If you have never coded before and want to try, there are plenty of websites where you can do it for free. 

The best resources (in my opinion) are with interactive editors to write the code. They present small chunks of material and then you have to use things you've learnt to build small projects. 

1. Codecademy has a few languages to try. Parts of their courses are free and even more paid ones with projects.  I don't like their subscription model but everyone should evaluate it on their own. 

2. Another excellent place to start learning is FreeCodeCamp . Everything there is free - interactive exercises, projects, certificates, great forum/community.

3. And we shouldn't forget about KhanAcademy.  They have lessons on computer programming and computer science.
They teach the basics of  JavaScript, HTML & CSS, SQL but also algorithms or cryptography. 

There are many more platforms that can help you learn to code but those are my top 3. 

You can also use 100 Days Of Code to be better at solving problems. One way of doing it is solving coding exercises. 
With minimal knowledge of JavaScript or Python (and a few other languages), you can start solving puzzles on Edabit.

If you're stuck, there are always resources that can help you solve the problem. And you can also read the solutions if you're willing to lose (or don't earn) some points. 
Reading other people solutions is also a great way of learning and reading code in small bits. 

Why should I do it in public? 

Posting even a few sentences about things you're learning is also learning in public. We can feel a bit uneasy with it. But I think it's great to overcome that feeling. 
* One of the benefits I've already mentioned is making friends. If you start interacting with people, you will start talking to many or a few more and more often. 
* When you commit to something publicly, you think about it more often and the probability that you start doing it is higher. In that way, you start creating a new habit. 
* If you have a problem on your way because you feel low, unmotivated or stuck, you can also seek help amongst other participants of 100 days of code challenge. 

Have you tried 100 Days Of Code challenge? Do you think it can help in your coding journey?

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Avid learner, Python / Django and CSS Art ethusiast.

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